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FAIRNESS:  The Blaming and Defending of White America

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“Fairness: The Blaming and Defending of White America” never supports racism, separatism, white supremacy, hatred of any race or violence.


When past “racist” tweets from two journalists at a major metropolitan newspaper surfaced two very different outcomes occurred. One was a journalist of color and the other was a white journalist.  As expected and all too common, two very different outcomes emerged. The white journalist was fired immediately while the person of color kept her employment.

Another journalist explained the difference because one was a person of color and one was white. So, If you’re a person of color, you get a pass for racist comments?


Civil rights or fairness for whites is not about racism, supremacy or separatism though very few references to white civil rights exist that do not correspond to racism, white supremacy or separatism.  None, of which, are supported in this book.

This book is about fairness. The blaming and defending of White America is how fairness and equal rights should include white people while many times it has not.


“White Women Yoga” was cancelled from “MeetUp” as it did not adhere to community guidelines.  The group never promoted or made any comments about racism. Yet, Blacks, Latinos and Asians have countless organizations that are race-based.


A Pacific Northwest college had a “Day of Absence” where white people (students and faculty) were asked to voluntarily “stay off campus” by event organizers.


In a large metropolitan city, white people are required to leave a courtroom with no repercussions towards the judge deciding this. How is this legal?


Two white females, with one holding a baby, were attacked in Hawaii while being told to get off the beach because they are white. Later they were discouraged by the police officer from filing charges because the judge will most likely be Hawaiian and will side with the people that attacked them.


Yet, there is no National Association for the Advancement or Equality of White People to take legal action against such activity because such a group would be deemed racist.


“White People Are Noticing Something New: Their Own Whiteness,” as Emily Bazelon writes in The New York Times Magazine.  And, how could they not when white people specifically are banned or asked to leave an area?

Diversity training seminars have become a euphemism for a “Blame-the-white-people” meeting where all examples of discrimination or hate crimes are committed by whites towards a variety of races—that’s the “diversity.”

In Seattle, Washington, the Office of Civil Rights conducted a training session to help white employees to "undo your own whiteness.”  And, you, the taxpayer, will pay for it.


Fifty-three white city employees were fired and replaced with black employees. The headlines, when reported, rarely mentioned the word white, but instead were headlined under “racial bias.”  Many news outlets couldn’t bring themselves to say that whites had been discriminated against.


The majority (traditionally white people) no longer run the U.S., but give deference to a small number of race-based reactionary groups that are rewarded by the media for endless protests.


Yet, U.S. society has become a dichotomy of those that live in the new demographics of the U.S and the people that have created a media and entertainment “Apartheid.”  Two industries that brainwash society with the “white people are racists” agenda and stories, but hypocritically remain two of the most segregated industries in the U.S. at work, home and school.


In a country where whites have historically been the majority, the word “white” has become the new pejorative.  In less than two decades whites will be a minority.  Calling white people “racist” is now the new “how high do you want me to jump?”


After being refused for publication for using the word “white” which defeats the purpose of the book and by several editors that would not consider the subject or use of the word “white,” this book is now published.


This book presents an overdue account of the unfairness whites now face in many sectors of U.S. society.


Fairness: The Blaming and Defending of White America


Table of Contents


Introduction:  Overview of what will be covered in book

1) World Population Figures (Worldwide whites are a minority and are quickly becoming a minority in the U.S.)

2) Hate Crimes Against Whites (Haven’t heard of these?)

3) Reverse Discrimination Against Whites

4) Newsroom Demographics: Newsrooms have created a media apartheid.

5) The Los Angeles Times: Hall of Shame for Hypocrisy

6) Headlines Will Make You White

7) “White-People-Are-Racists” as Entertainment

8) Hollywood Apartheid

9) The Myth of the California Liberal: Court ordered desegregation in a California school district.


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5 Stars on Amazon

as of August 3, 2022




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